a few words

about me

Luis Mercedes Winter is a Black, Queer, Jewish, Neurodiverse Earthling based on Lenape Land, colonially known as New York City. 

Born in the Lower East Side of Manhattan and raised between three boroughs, Luis lived in Los Angeles from 2013 to 2018. 

He learned how to question at Phillips Exeter Academy and how not to question, but rather Art: to Be, at Bard College.

His photography is often based in literature while his writing is visual and sensory.

In 2022, NY Jewish Week named him one of the "36 to Watch." (Formerly 36 under 36)

That same year, he debuted his first photobook, Moses of the City, which received a stellar review from The Forward.

From 2023 through 2024, Luis was a fellow with The Workshop, which is Art Directed by Rabbi Kendell Pinkney and in partnership with Reboot

For further inquiries, contact luis@louiefromtheblock.com

Scroll to the end for an Artist Statement

To the left, to the left:

Self Portrait, 2022

Down below, down below:

Self Portrait, 2023

Polaroids and 35mm x Bryce Winter

As Social As I May Be Once a Season - Receive a Link to my Visual Diary
May your day unfold with ease and deLight.
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Artist Statement

With photography and poetry, the story of my life is told through allegory. As my existence is politicized, my work is inherently political. For me to live while Black, I must practice Anti-Racism. My "effeminate" nature is the target of hate, which necessitates my actions for Feminism. I declare my Love with Pride. Intentions are irrelevant in the face of impact, so rather than focus on intent, I look to actions that repair the world. I act up by documenting, photographing, and making Art that speaks to this moment. I ground my words in soft images, so their meaning is easier to digest. I sprinkle in absurd humor to disarm the reluctant. This work frees me from the public theater that this oppressive system demands. Here, I can speak with honesty and clarity to my experience as a Black, Queer, Jewish, Neurodiverse American Latino. I am free to write it as I see it and capture moments that reflect the full picture of Shadow-and-Light. 

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